The 7 Illusions of leadership Why top teams settle for ordinary results – despite extraordinary efforts

The leaders we meet, in organisations of all types, are all telling us the same things. “I’m incredibly busy”. “My days start early and end late, my inbox gets filled with hundreds of emails a week, I have back to back meetings every day and I’m having to work evenings and weekends just to keep up.” “I’m frustrated”. “I can see the potential of this organisation but progress is incredibly slow. We’re finding it hard to make the few percentage points of growth in our annual plans – let alone the transformational changes that we need to breakthrough to the next level” “I’m not enjoying it”. “I worked hard to be in a leadership position because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to help this organisation, and the people in it, reach their potential. I thought leadership would help me learn and be the best I can be. Most of the time it feels like a treadmill – just to keep afloat and to keep paying the mortgages
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Categories: Why Leadership Teams Matter.